Act 2
To flip our script at times
Is something we should do
Taking ownership and action
Is the first step back to you
Every person has rackets
A million miles long
Getting pulled into the drift
Singing another person’s song
It’s so easy to blame others
Being the victim of circumstance
Giving power to our fears
Doubting we even have a chance
We’re all wired with various beliefs
DNA and what we’re taught
How life has happened to us
Called stupid never smart
Our past isn’t real
It’s but a story and a million more
It’s anything you make of it
It’s beautiful, or retched gore
Can you feel whether it serves you
Are you powerful or small
At times too close to see
How we can manifest it all
Tiny crevices filled with rage
Or happier thoughts on better days
Words, tears, hurt, fear,
Laughter, passion, joy
These feelings buried so far down
We think they’re safe inside
Safe from taking charge
And living our best lives
But we’re human beings
We’re meant to feel
When the messiness collides
Honesty and breaking through
Old patterns left inside
Letting go of outside opinions
Who, "they'’ think we should be
The rhetoric of dangerous thought
Leaving us everything but free
Yet once we see our truth
Be it good, messy, or sad
The choice is ours to stand as victor
And that is who I know I am
I walk with pride
An open heart
No longer the need to hide
Or to go outside and seek my truth
For I have held it all my life